I was just looking around and here you are: an old photo album. It’s probably dated between 1998 and 2001. I was young, innocent but with an immense sense of fashion.
The thing is that I wasn’t partying at raves, neither having binge drinking at some friends’ house wearing some butterfly clips in my hair (actually I used to wear them but there are no photos about that).
Indeed, my life was a bit different apart from the fact that posing in photos was one of my favourite things along with speaking at my transparent phone -I cannot recall with who-.
If you think that Chiara Ferragni is the first fashion blogger in the world you are totally wrong and that doesn’t make you a fashion addict.
The fact is that in those years I wasn’t able to type on my computer, and probably the best I could ever done was taking photos with a Barbie camera.
How old I was? Actually I was around two or four when I predicted the trends that are coming back this year- and I didn’t have Aladdin’s lamp- and these outfits are a proof of it.
Obviously you saw me strolling around -I can guess for which reason- with this swag orange fluffy hat by United Colours of Benetton matched with that denim overall (sometimes with a strap down) and I don’t think you could be that cool.
Large. Pink. Awesome. Just look at that popping sunglasses double the size of my face: Yeezy by Kanye West is nothing in comparison.
While I was choosing my Happy Meal option only one idea was clear: this was the outfit to rock my birthday.
Superga has always been my choice regarding platform shoes. They were robust canvass shoes perfect for every style and perfect in every colour.
Avril Lavigne was my idol and the only thing I can remember was wearing denim on denim on denim while singing like a drunk person after too many tequilas (the guitar was cool though).
All these styles are trendy again now and if you ask why I have an answer for you: it was me, me and only me.